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In today's globalized world, the need for communication in other languages ​​is increasingly accentuated. The growth of international trade has brought with it not only effects in the increase of the quantity of goods that the countries trade, but added technological development and the specialization of these countries in the production of certain goods and services. The world has been able to witness the benefits of the East Asian technological boom, as well as the entry of countries like China into the world market. Many industries of different nationalities have moved their factories to these countries, from where well-known brands for example in cell phone technology and other electronic equipment are produced at a cost accessible to the population, and that is distributed to many markets worldwide.

But one of the barriers these industries have to overcome in order to reach markets as remote as Tibet and other Asian countries of traditional cultures, is the language. Bringing these products to these markets implies more than a technological adaptation to these locations; it means that these new products can be understood and adapted to the specific culture, which presents as a challenge to carry a language of high technological content and therefore of one culture to another, for which language is fundamental.

In this sense, the way of communicating the characteristics and functions of the apparatus in question is an essential element for the internationalization of these products and, therefore, of their international trade.

The large developers or manufacturers of these products are specialized in the functions of their nature, so they must resort to specialized services of International Translation Agencies to complete the process of export and introduction of their products in multiple countries. Many of them have generated their own mechanisms to select the best and most qualified translators in these jobs. However, this delicate recruitment and selection function can not be completed without the help and participation of the translation industry, through specialized agencies in multiple languages ​​around the world, which provide a safe, quality and reliable service, guaranteed in the success of the most difficult tasks in these processes of internationalization of the technology contained in the latest generation products.

At Wagner Consulting International we manage a pool of translators of all the languages around the world, for which culture does not represent a barrier when offering a specialized and trusted service to the most important brands worldwide.

If you wish to receive a detailed offer or consultation on Wagner Consulting's translation solutions, then please feel free to contact our Sales Team, who will gladly assist you.


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If you wish to receive a detailed offer or consultation on Wagner Consulting´s translation solutions, then please feel free to contact our Sales Team, who will gladly assist you.

Translation Division at Wagner Consulting
US: (718) 838 9533 (English speaking)
US: (917) 725 3145 (Spanish speaking)
EU: (718) 618 4268

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