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Giving an academic talk takes effort. Before preparing any academic speech, it is important to consider your audience, the purpose and the organization. The audience will influence how you develop your speech, from content to presentation style. According to the audience’s background, in terms of knowledge, you will prepare the talk to aim appropriately.
There are other important factors, such as the correct use of images and diagrams to convey ideas, as well as professional slides that enable people to follow in an easy way and fully understand the presentation. The Q&A step is key, since it determines the level of satisfaction about the entire talk, so it is always a smart move to anticipate the possible questions and even practice with a smaller group before.
If everything is carefully planned and there aren’t minor incidents that day, the experience will be perfect for both the expert and the audience. Using the right elements should provide a satisfactory results, even for first-time presenters (nervous energy is exploitable). So, it would be a pity if there are technical issues when video recording your talk – you just can’t rely on amateurs for that matter.
When choosing Wagner Consulting’s Audio & Video services, you can be sure we’ll handle efficiently all your needs for a video production of your talk, with the latest technical equipment and a skilled team of editors. We also have expert animators, directors, script writers and producers to help you achieve a more professional material available for your colleagues, students and business partners in all your platforms.
Multicamera productions may be shot as follows:
- Live. Transmitted live to the viewing audience.
- Live-Recorded (live-on-tape). Shot from beginning to end and recorded. This style of production allows the director to clean it up in postproduction.
- Scene-by-scene. Each scene or act is shot, corrected, and polished one at a time.
From director with imagination, the ability to plan ahead, and a skilled team, the results can be of the highest standards. This is precisely what we are offering, and more.
Besides our Audio & Video solutions, the linguistic division at Wagner Consulting is ready to provide interpreting services for nearly any language at the event, while our translators will handle the project to reach international audiences, with subtitling, voice-over and typesetting solutions. Additionally, web designers and developers, illustrators, social media managers, content writers and marketing professionals can assist you in the promotion of your talks, from the creation of your website to the further blogging.

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If you wish to receive a detailed offer or consultation on Audio & Media services provided by Wagner Consulting, then please feel free to contact our Sales Team, who will gladly assist you.

Audio & Media Division at Wagner Consulting

US: (718) 838 9533 (English speaking)
US: (917) 725 3145 (Spanish speaking)
EU: (718) 618 4268
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.