Dear Partners,
Welcome to our newest development- the partnership project! Most of you have been working with us for years now and our company always appreciated your efforts and hard work put into each project. At this point we want to tighten our cooperation with you even further and have put the partnership project to life! This project will allow you to further tighten your relationship with us while on the other hand increase your turnover and business.
How? Very simple. Our company will pay you commissions for thriving clients to us, that you can not handle - either because you dont support the language pair, do not carry out the required area of expertise or simply are too busy with other tasks!
But what is your advantage here? Well, we will pay you for almost a lifetime! Meaning every time the client you introduced to us orders something from our company, you´ll get your commission out of this. And if he stays with us for 10 years, you´ll receive commissions for 10 years, on each order that is linked to you.
We have tested this program now for months with some of our partners already, and they have added up to a very nice sum so far for doing nothing but an introduction!
Now imagine how many clients you have turned down so far and calculate for yourself how much money you may or may not lost here.